Sep 16, 2013

Music Monday: Dizzy Gillespie

In the true tradition of the great musical legacy of The Cosby Show, I wanted to dub the first day of the week, "Music Monday." Heathcliff Huxtable was a jazz aficionado and collector. Over the show's eight-season span, viewers are introduced to many musical artists who have created jazz classics. Today, the spotlight shines on Dizzy Gillespie. 

In season one/episode eight (109), Vanessa takes on the taxing job of practicing for her music recital. Her teacher, Mr. Hampton, played by Dizzy Gillespie, comes over to the house to giver he a brush up lesson before the big day. 

Original photo collage from S1E8 (109)
Gillespie was a trumpet player; he was known for his "swollen cheeks."
The song Gillespie song highlighted is "Oop Bop Sh'Bam." It was first recorded by Gillespie in August 1947. I hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the jazz in Cosby. I grew up playing it and as an adult, I appreciate it even more in the show!
