Sep 21, 2013

Cliff's Deep Dish Sweet Potato Cobbler

I grew up eating sweet potato pie. But it wasn't until my junior year of college that I had a taste of true sweet potato bliss! Sweet potato cobbler is a dessert like none other. While I was watching "How Ugly Is He?," the ninth episode in the first season, I was so glad to see Cliff's gutsy attempt at this little-known dessert. It complemented Cliff's Salisbury steak, red beans and rice, and turnip greens. (I covered this meal in a previous post.)

Cliff displaying his cobbler in a scene from S1E9.

Sep 17, 2013

How Ugly Is He?—Cliff's Dinner for David James

I have many favorite episodes, but season one/episode nine (110) is at the top of the list. I decided to make the meet-the-parents dinner that Heathcliff cooked for Denise and her boyfriend, David James.  (David James was played by the very handsome Kristoff St. John.) Even though the dinnertime conversation took a turn for the worse, I'm sure the food was amazing! 

Clair complimenting Cliff's cooking in S1E9 (110).
Below are the recipes that I used to make Cliff's Salisbury Steak, Turnin' Out Turnip Greens, and Red Beans and Rice!

Sep 16, 2013

Music Monday: Dizzy Gillespie

In the true tradition of the great musical legacy of The Cosby Show, I wanted to dub the first day of the week, "Music Monday." Heathcliff Huxtable was a jazz aficionado and collector. Over the show's eight-season span, viewers are introduced to many musical artists who have created jazz classics. Today, the spotlight shines on Dizzy Gillespie. 

In season one/episode eight (109), Vanessa takes on the taxing job of practicing for her music recital. Her teacher, Mr. Hampton, played by Dizzy Gillespie, comes over to the house to giver he a brush up lesson before the big day. 

Sep 15, 2013

Twenty-nine Years of Huxtable

Friday, September 20, 2013, marks the 29th anniversary of the first episode! In other words, the Huxtables turn 29...kind of. 

There's no better way to celebrate my favorite television show than to dedicate a blog to it. This blog is a mixture of Julie and Julia-esque foodie content, crafty do-it-yourself projects, and The Cosby Show history and trivia. I'll watch the episodes (quite often, might I add) and find a way to make what I see so that I can share it with you.