Oct 21, 2013

Music Monday: Rudy and The Chiffons

I was watching "Shall We Dance?" (season 6, episode 7) the other day, and heard Dr. Huxtable make mention a singing group called The Chiffons. After an awkward interaction with her crush Clarence,
Rudy and her friend made their way to the Huxtable house.

Scenes of Rudy and Clarence from S6E07, "Shall We Dance?"

As they walked in the door, Cliff greeted them by saying, "Well...it's Rudy and The Chiffons!" I hadn't heard of them, became interested in finding out who they are and decided to do some digging.

Rudy, Kim, Amy, and Tatyana Ali (her character was unnamed) in S6E7.

The Chiffons
Here's the quick and dirty on The Chiffons:

  • The Chiffons formed in 1960 in the Bronx. 
  • Their original name was The Four Pennies, but they later changed it to The Chiffons. I think the name suits them because their music is beautiful and delicate! 
  • They're an iconic 1960's girl group; they helped set a precedent for the look and sound of many girl singing groups they we all know and love. 

I've included a clip of one of their songs!

A song that I absolutely love is "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?" (1963).
*It was originally recorded by The Shirelles in 1960. Since then, the song has been covered by tons of artists and singing groups. The Chiffons recorded their version of this song in 1964. One of my favorite versions of this is song was recorded by Amy Winehouse in 2004. (I've included her version for kicks!)

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